Membership Information

Important information about your WVAS Membership

When should you pay?

Your annual subscription is due on 1st January each year

How much should you pay?

Exhibitor Members
£20 per year payable by cheque, bank transfer or card machine.

Associate Members
£10 per year payable by cheque, bank transfer or card machine.

How can I pay?

Standing order (preferred method)
Arrange via your bank. This should be an annual payment for either £20 (Exhibitors) or £10 (Associates).

Please note: There are a significant number of members who have standing orders, but they are not set up for the correct amount or payment date. Please review your WVAS standing order annually and correct it according to the amounts shown above. The WVAS is not able to cancel or change any standing orders. Should you discontinue membership ensure you terminate your standing order.

Bank transfer, BACS or Faster Payment
Please make this payment by 1st January. Again, either £20 (Exhibitors) or £10 (Associates).
The Society bank details are as follows:
Lloyds Bank – Stamford. Account No. 00249374 Sort Code. 30-98-02

Cheques should be received by 1st January and be for either £20 (Exhibitors) or £10 (Associates). Cheques and member details should be made payable to “WVAS” and posted to: 
WVAS Membership Secretary, C/O 2 Strawberry Avenue Peterborough, PE3 9FP

If you don’t pay the current subscription amount exhibitor members will not be permitted to participate in Society exhibition events until full membership fees are paid. Membership will lapse by the end of June if no payment is received.

Important matters regarding your membership

Email contact
Although the Society issues several hard copy Newsletters to all members throughout the year, additionally we issue numerous bulletins and other communications to members via email. Email messages are sent out as and when required concerning matters such as workshops, trips to galleries, miscellaneous updates (any WVAS related subject).

If you haven’t already, we highly recommend that you ensure that the Membership Secretary (contact details below) is informed of your email address so you can be kept up to date.

For those that do not have access to email we suggest that you speak to either a family member or a friend who would be willing to receive emails messages from the Society on your behalf and pass them on to you.

Information (data) we keep about members
This is the contact information you have provided us in order to keep in touch with you about Society events and matters.
Please ensure you keep us informed of any changes to your contact details.


We plan to list all exhibitors on the WVAS website
Please contact the Membership Secretary asap if you do not wish to be named on the Website.

Your contact details will be used by the WVAS committee and co-opted society members to contact you regarding WVAS matters. It will not be transferred to or shared with other organisations or individuals for any other purpose. We will not intentionally share any contact details with other society members without your permission.

The Membership Secretary, Rachel Eden, can be contacted:

WVAS Membership Secretary
2 Strawberry Avenue, Peterborough, PE3 9FP
Telephone: 01733 701333 (evenings only)